Thursday, July 25, 2024

Living Plugged is Essential

 Living Plugged 24/7/365

The overwhelming percentage of the time, from October 2012 to July 2024...almost 12 years...I have had an Icicles #14 in my rectum. I can only estimate a percentage based on how often I have to remove the plug and how long I average getting it back in. You know, sleeping with the plug inserted in my rectum and then taking care of pooping, cleaning up and re-plugging. I also have to take into account the amount of time I have to go without the plug, depending on how cooperative my digestive process is. Generally, I can stay plugged at least 12 to 18 hours before I have to remove it, for defecation and sometimes (as rarely as I can) unplug when I go out in public and I don't want to risk having a crisis removal. You get the picture.

But with 11 years and nine months under my belt, here is a quick estimate of the total number of hours in that time I've been living plugged. I'll never reach a hundred percent of the time plugged. It is physically impossible.

• Total number of hours in 11.9 years: 104,244 hours

• Estimated time unplugged for poop & cleanup in 11.9 years: 2,172 hours

• Estimated time unplugged for digestive and other physical restrictions in 11.9 years: 6,188 hours

• Estimated time unplugged for travel and time away from home without the plug available in 11.9 years: 2000 hours

10,360 hours in 11.9 years unplugged is 9.9 or 10% of the time.

I have been plugged for 93,884 hours in 11.9 years.

And I can tell you this. This plug has never felt uncomfortable during all that time. I also freely unplug should I feel some sort of crisis digestive issue (runs or bloating and pressure just above the rectum in the colon). I do engage in other plugging activities, just for the sheer pleasure of it, which rarely leads to ejaculation but is always nice.
I do hope my fans check back occasionally for new posts, which I admit are rare these days. I just felt I didn't have much new to add, but I have to say as always that I just love living with a plug in my rectum. I never fail to get hard just talking about it, and one of the other activities I engage in besides just having the plug in my ass, is playing with my rectum when it is unplugged and I just explore that wonderful, accepting flesh inside the rectum and then slide the plug slowly slowly back in, feeling everything part to allow for the plug, always familiar to the rectum flesh, the muscles, the nerve endings. The plug is home now, where it has been for 12 wonderful years, 12 years free of hemorrhoids, the best time of my life having to do with self-love and contentment.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Plugged a Hundred Percent of the Time?

Plugging Off the Charts!

I have been plugged almost a hundred percent of the time, except for the five or ten minutes it takes to evacuate and clean up—that's 23.75 hours in every 24-hour period, for a month. This is phenomenal. I attribute it to a subtle change in my diet in the last few months. I rarely eat anything if it doesn't contain at least some rice. I sometimes have plain saltine crackers for a snack (dry and nothing on them).

I can also eat chips and salsa every few days with no problems. My gut stays quiet all day, all night, and my plug stays firmly in my rectum and flooding my brain with endorphins, keeping me calm, happy, content, half horny. It's beyond any other time in my 12 years of living plugged that has been so easy and carefree.

I've cut way down on eating out because when I did, it was usually fast food. That should tell you something about the relative unhealthiness of fast food, which is probably also highly processed to begin with.

I also continue to take Loperamide HCL (a generic Imodium product). 

Now the salient idea is to have regular bowel movements, with the added proviso that you will be somewhat tending toward constipation, rather than having loose stools. That's just the nature of the beast, for those of you who want to live plugged as I do. Men and women. Old and Young. Living plugged is Nirvana. 

Sure, I understand that younger people just have to masturbate to completeness and cum and then quickly remove their plugs. That's fine, but you might as well just use a dildo and give yourself a glorious fuck in the ass. 

No, living plugged is exactly what it sounds like. You slam it home and leave it alone. The plug will give you pleasure all day and all night and you don't have to do anything. I use the icicles #14 (2-inch diameter egg on top, 1-inch diameter shaft, 2-inch diameter donut-ring base). It's borscillicate glass so it is strong. It will shatter if you drop it on a tile floor but it will not break in your rectum by any means, and there is not an edge anywhere on this plug, so there is no way that any part of it can irritate you. I plug semi dry and remove it about every 12 to 16 hours for bowel movement and clean up and then insert the plug right back in, most often without any douching. 

I am fucking in love with my plug and it being in my ass as comfortably as wearing a ring. When I bought my first plug it was a cone shaped rubber thing and I literally wore it out. I traveled with it in my butt as a drove and I slept with it in my ass, but it didn't take long for it to irritate around the edge of the base, despite it being rubber. And I also bought dildos, and being kind of "romantic" I wanted only those that looked like real-life cocks. But as the years have passed from my first plug until now, I've become much more rational about the physical aspects of what a plug should be made of and its design. Sure, once again, go for the huge, fat, plugs if you want a hot and messy masturbation session, lots of cum and lube and stuff, but go for the intelligently designed plug if you're going to live with it in your rectum.

I do NOT remove my plug to go downtown, eat out, go shopping, visit friends, or even entertain clients at my house. I stay plugged and yes, surreptitiously clinch my butt muscles right in front of people or at the grocery store or walking down the street. No one knows, but it gives me a kind of added thrill to know that, yes, I'm naked beneath my clothes and, yes, I've got a butt plug in my rectum, which leads to the wider question, how many other guys out on the streets, how many women are secretly plugged. I think even straight men are up to around 45% who engage in anal play of some sort.

Plug for pleasure, plug for health, cure your hemorrhoids by wearing a suitable butt plug. It works. I used to have irritated and bleeding 'roids before I started wearing a butt plug regularly. I have not had a single hemorrhoid in 12 years. 

Alas, I will no longer have videos on this blog, since much of the porn sites are vulnerable to hacking and destructive malware. But you can visit these three porn sites for your viewing pleasure:




I remain Reynolds, living plugged, as I am right now as I write. I am also naked, if you would like to imagine that. I live naked, as well, but of course don't go out in public without clothes!

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Back to post an occasional entry

 For whatever Reason...

I miss posting regularly about living plugged, and of course I miss communicating with my regulars, but I'm afraid it still stands that I don't feel I have much new to add to all these posts I've done for over ten years. But I do miss you guys, knowing that people are reading this about wearing a butt plug 24/7/365—or thereabout, depending on waste elimination, digestive conditions, occasional illness.

This is my first post since March of 2023, and I have to say that I am still wearing my plug, all night, all day, all week, all month, all year, through every season, and through every mood that might strikes me.

I masturbate occasionally, just to check on the condition of the semen, the cum and the smell and taste...yes, I eat my cum when I masturbate. But mainly I am still deeply in love with have a plug in my rectum all the time. Right now, as I write, of course, I am naked; I can feel my cock straining at little inside the foreskin, and I know if I reach down, and pull back the skin, I would be fully erect in a matter of seconds. But honestly, being plugged is not just for the sexual feelings that flood my groin. Being plugged releases endorphins into my brain and makes me feel at peace.

I've also noticed that now that I haven't been posting regularly, the visits per month have gone up exponentially to what they had been just seven months ago, with my last post. 

I have no idea what is going on with this blog site. I've passed a million views. Not easy for such a specific and unadvertised site, and one that is not part of the porn universe. I'm content to just have men and women, gay and straight who love to plug share what I write about it.  I've also noticed that the great state of Mississippi has intruded on the videos I posted from "porn hub" which accounts for the fact that they are no longer viewable here, while other vids are still viewable through this blog.

Viewers might wonder at the non-sexual nudes I am including with this particular post. Confession, I have become a colorist of b/w photographs, illustrations, drawings, etc, and I experiment with different painting effects, from oil painting to watercolor. Not for nothing do I get a real thrill out of expressing my own "artistic" sense with the colorations I do. In this present decade of my life, I find that my artistic sense, rather than just my writing sense has kicked into high gear, and I can't get enough of the thrill of watching my "painting" of extant art and photography (black and white, charcoal, sepia ink, tonal paper) take shape and come to fruition. As with anything else I have ever done, I learn over time. Always having been at the stick-figure level of producing drawings and illustrations, I find that coloring existing works is satisfying. I go for public domain works and non-royalty (free) drawings that are available. Check out if you want to see what's available from thousands and thousands of fellow art fans and producers.

But back to my glorious and never "old-hat" habit of living plugged in the juicy rectum, where I can play with my plug as it is in my hole. I stay naked about as much as I stay plugged, as well, and I'm already mourning the idea that soon, even here in Mississippi will be too cold to stay naked even in my house, unless I want to pay too much for heating. I don't. So, I'm signing off, without including a butt plug, self-suck, public nudity, or exhibitionist video. 

Just let me know if you have seen this post.

I remain Reynolds Donaghue, or "plugged butt".

Monday, March 27, 2023

Still Plugged every day

 I've been absent from this blog...but I've been plugged

This is simply what it looks like to have a plug stuffed into your rectum

I know that some of you have wondered why I've been remiss in posting blogs on this site, and I apologize that for some reason, I haven't been able to respond in the comments section. Go figure.

I've had computer and keyboard issues, I've had an inordinate amount of work (my side-gig) that buys the groceries, but more importantly, I am not sure what else there is for me to cover. If you (my wonderful readers both gay and straight, both men and women) have gotten anything from this blog about why it's a health and happiness giving habit to live with a butt plug in your rectum 24/7/365 (or some good amount of time), there are simply these reasons that I've said in one way or another now for over ten years:

1. Wearing a butt plug just to have it in your rectum will make you feel happy, due to the fact that the sphincter massage and other nerve stimulation releases endorphins into your brain.

2. Wearing a butt plug much of the time will also keep your sphincter active and will increase blood flow, which CURES AND PREVENTS HEMORRHOIDS. Before I started wearing a butt plug regularly, I had 'roids on my anus and even inside 'roids. I haven't had hemorrhoids for ten years. I live a sedate lifestyle, seated and working on my computer.

3. Wearing a glass or medical grade stainless steel plug is actually the easiest way to stay plugged all the time, and clean-up is a breeze, even if you have accumulation of you know what when you pull it out.

4. Changing your diet to slow digestion if your stool is soft and to stay regular is a key component of having clean firm poops, which means you can re-plug right after having a bowel movement. This is a key secret to living plugged. I also supplement my diet with Imodium, which removes water from the stool. 

If you suffer from constipation, you need more fiber in your diet.

5. And then the final subject of my posts about living plugged is the fun, enjoyment, love, good feelings, and constant sexual edging that comes with being plugged and not pulling it out after you feel a desire to masturbate. Leave the plug in when you come!! 

May the peace of health and happiness be with you all the days of your life. Be good to yourself and wear a butt plug as much as you can. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Living Plugged 24/7/365 Update

Entries day by day

December 14, 2022

I woke up like any other day, around 5 a.m. I had of course slept naked and was still wearing my butt plug. This was coming up on the end of ten years. Or maybe is a month into my eleventh year wearing a plug 24/7/365 (you know as best I can).

 So after making coffee, feeding my cat, and crawling around on the floor feeling my butt plug so nice in my ass, first thing I looked for on the computer was guys wearing butt plug vids, and here's one for straight guys and women. The boyfriend is wearing the plug and if you watch this whole vid you will see that he really gets into fucking, and I can actually feel what he feels in my own ass as I watch.


December 15, 2022 

 I'm sitting here at my computer fully clothed, plugged, and ready to go out shopping. I am extremely hard right now, feeling about to burst...but I won't. I'll just enjoy this new intensity of edging today.

The weather has turned colder so that being clothed is more comfortable than being naked, at least when I'm outside. I'll add more when I get back from town.

December 17, 2022

It's colder even in the house today, so I am wearing a light pullover shirt with long sleeves, naked below the waist though. Oddly I've had my plug in without removing it for a bowel movement for 16 hours. I haven't eaten much today, so it might be a 24-hour continuous plugging with no break. The day before, however, I had to remove and replug about three times, which is usual. Guys, if you have to clean up your plug every time you remove it, you're stool is probably not hard enough. I rarely have any "stuff" on my plug when I remove these days. My diet is not perfect, but over the last ten years, I've learned what to eat to digest slowly and I use immodium (generic) every day. I suffer no side-effects for this long-term use.

December 18, 2022 

I made it to 23 hours last night and had to removed the plug because my anus felt very dry. I had plugged the night before with just a very small amount of lube and went 23 hours. In that time the lube (water based) had finally been absorbed in my skin; further even though I ate very little yesterday, by 9 p.m. (the 23-hour mark) I did have to poop and I've learned to never allow discomfort to continue. It's your body trying to tell you something. In my case, it was a clean poop and with just a slight anal wash with a wet pad, plus another very small amount of lube, I re-plugged within two minutes and have now gone another 14 hours without unplugging. You do this long enough, and soon you see that staying plugged about 90 % of the time for ten years is fairly easy to do.

I've developed an absolute love of my butt plug in my rectum 24/7/365 (90%) over the years and one person who wrote me wondered if it desensitized me to the thrill of what a plug will do to my prostate. I didn't answer very thoroughly, but here's the real secret. While it's enjoyable to stimulate and massage the prostate, and you can eventually learn to cum hands fee on your cock, the real long-lasting and ever more satisfying is how my particular plug (glass with a 1-inch diameter shaft) that keeps the sphincter busy and open and trying to close. You get nerve stimulation of the sphincter with every movement you make it throughout the day and night, and it ALWAYS feel so good. Feeling that kind of sexual good all day never gets desensitized.

Thursday, November 24, 2022


 I love self-sucking videos, where the guy can swallow himself whole up to the balls. And here is a 47 minute video that I just couldn't stop watching. It was a nice way to spend some of my thanksgiving before heading out to friends for TG dinner.


Sunday, November 20, 2022

Getting Fucked all Night

 Anally Fucked...that is. 

We can mean both anal and vaginal fucking, but for my purpose, here, I will focus on being anally fucked. If you're a man or a woman, you can get anally fucked. To be fucked all night or all day and night, a human cock is just not convenient or doable. Cocks get soft and keeping it in the ass when it's soft is probably not doable and definitely no desirable. So our choice remains one of these:

Dildo (usually shaped like an erect cock, and quite often containing the balls as well, or a base). Now it is possible I suppose to rig some kind of strap that can be used to keep the dildo in the anus and make it possible to wear to bed. The base should keep the dildo from going on a trip into the depths of the intestines, past the rectum and on into the large intestine.

And perphaps one of the real advantages of a dildo shaped like a cock is to prepare the sphincter to be flexible and welcoming of a live hot cock for a good fuck me stupid session.


Anal probe, which is also a dildo of sorts (made of glass, silicone, or steel) but just vaguely like a cock or just a shaft or series of balls or...something. The double dong these two women are using is a fascinating toy for two. Men can use it as well, or a man and a woman.

There are also probes that are just different shapes. But in the case of both the cock-like dildo or an anal probe, they're usually the most fun when used for a single long fuck session, either solo or in pairs, and will satisfy the horniest of appetites up to and including what we hope is an orgasm that is full of fluids and cum and sweat. But then sleep sets in and I highly doubt dildos or probes are convenient to wear all night long or all night and all day.

Butt Plug. The butt plug, however, of all the anal toys is designed to be worn in the rectum, hands free, strap free, easily kept trapped in place by the bottom of the business end of the plug, connected to a thinner shaft and protected from escaping into the rectum by a flared base of some sort. The plugs shown in the image to the left are all well designed to be inserted and to stay in place. Note that the business end of each plug is rounded and wide at the bottom, is connected to a shaft that is long enough to go into the rectum past the sphincter, but also to accept the spincter closing around the shaft, and being outside the anal opening between the butt cheeks, connected to the flared base. These plugs look like they're made of silicon and to wear them for long periods would require plenty of lube administered frequently (as needed) to prevent drying out. A glass or steel butt plug will not need to be lubed but once in a long while. Cleanup and smell is minimal with glass or steel, but might get baked into the silicone and, over time will discolor and smell.

Now about being fucked all night...This is precisely the job of a butt plug, designed for maximum comfort and not meant to be used as a dildo requiring the in-out movement of fucking. Instead, as you move around in bed or on a chair or stand up, walk, bend over, or just squeeze your ass muscles, you get a strong feeling of a hard cock in your ass. You'll almost surely wake up to the pleasant sensation of having gotten a good fuck throughout the night, hands free, and if you're like me, you will have leaked precum throughout the night. Sleeping naked is also an enhancement to wearing the plug. You have access to your cock in the middle of the night or your vagina, and you can always play with the ass to feel of the plug. Wearing a plug continually 24/7/365 ensures healthly blood flow and reduces or eliminates hemorrhoids.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Living my Bliss

 A Mild Fall

The weather is just right for staying naked inside and outside the house where I live in north-east Mississippi. And this has been a very nice fall season, unlike the other five we've had since I moved here. And so I have been able to live my bliss for at least eight months straight. That is living naked 24/7 and plugged 24/7. I've said a million times I don't know why I love being naked and plugged, but it keeps me in a blissful state of mind and spirit, and even though I rarely engage in viewing porn, I sometimes look at videos of people who are taking selfies of themselves walking naked outdoors. I don't really care if they finish themselves off by coming or not. It's just being naked and plugged that I enjoy watching.


Also, my bliss is staying plugged as long and consistently as I can, which I've been doing for ten years. This year 2022, but especially with all this excellent weather (rain doesn't bother me) for so many months in a row, I have virtually lived totally naked and plugged. The only exception to being naked is when I actually have to go into public for shopping and meetings and working with clients, but even then I am usually plugged.

I've been having an exchange of comments in these posts with men and women who are actually giving my recommended glass plug a try. I want to hear more. See the previous two posts. I use either an Icicles #14 or a Devi Prism borosillicate glass plug. Boroscillicate is the kind of glass that is used in baking dishes and is very strong and will actually only break if hammered or dropped onto a hard surface.

I enjoyed watching this young man who is just doing exactly what I like, being naked outdoors and plugged. Simple as that...

Monday, October 17, 2022

Going out in public plugged

 I do this all the time

But I'm not nearly so dramatic about it.  

for the first time in a long time, I removed my plug before going to a cookout in the country with friends. I did not drive, so I decided that if I had a IBS issue with the food (shit through a goose syndrome) that I'd rather not have to do a massive clean up in the guest bath right off the living room, where some people would be watching the Sunday football games (this is the South after all).

I enjoyed myself, but at the same time mourned not having my plug. I think if I had to state one main reason why I do live with a plug in my rectum 90 percent of the time, it would have to be the hormonal release of endorphins, or the increase in endorphin activity that gives me a sense of well being and satisfaction at the same time. Hence, now, NOT being plugged is like turning off the spigot of hormonal flooding. Sure I can live with it; it's not quite like withdrawal symptoms. I even smoked for decades before quitting. I'm glad I quit. Haven't wanted a cigarette at all now for four years; but I used to dread trying to quit knowing I would feel depressed withdrawing from the nicotine. 

As soon as I got home from the cookout, I dug around in my rectum with a wipe soaked with hydrogen peroxide and lotion and saw that it was clean, so in went the plug where it's been ever since, except for poop breaks and cleanup if it's necessary. The cookout was Sunday; got home around 6 p.m. and it's now Tuesday morning. I'm plugged, naked, but later I will dress and go check the mail. Maybe even do a little shopping, plugged, of course.

Enjoy the I said he's a little bit dramatic about it, I think to reminds viewers that he's wearing his plug. My inner satisfaction when I'm out in public is probably not nearly as visual to viewers. But a private secret is just what it is...not public. Sure I wiggle my butt a little more than if I didn't have a plug in my rectum, but who can resist that?

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Number 1 Recommended Plug for Living Plugged

An In-Depth Look into the Icicles #14 Borosillicate Glass Plug

An alternative is the Devi Glass Plug (same thing, different name) 

This is the only plug I've worn for the last ten years while I enjoy living plugged (having a plug in my rectum for almost 90% of the time, 24/7/365x10 approximately 87,760 hours). It is that comfortable. But some people say it's uncomfortable to sit on and that may be true. For maximum comfort, even while sitting, the plug should be worn with the head of the plug toward the back of the body and not toward the abdomen. This is essential, because a look at the rectum itself will show that it is also likewise angled in the body, and only moves into place above the anal opening for waste elimination. As the graphic below shows the head of the plug is worn AWAY from the prostate, thus also allowing a more complete insertion of the plug. Obviously, then, as the man sits down and the ring on the surface of the chair is pushed further into the rectum, the prostate will not present any resistance. But if the man wants a prostate massage (not recommended as a long-term-wear activity), the plug can be worn with the head facing toward the prostate).