Thursday, October 17, 2019

What Does it Feel Like to "Live" Plugged?

Does Living Plugged get Boring?


From sometime in 2013 when I started this blog until right, now, today, I've had a butt plug in my rectum most of the time. I've estimated the plug-free time as less than 10 percent, but it doesn't matter. The point is during these seven years (I actually started in late 2012), I have truly been living plugged. So without repeating myself, I'd like to describe as best I can what it actually feels like to live plugged and answer anyone who might wonder if living plugged gets boring.

Here's the first interesting physical fact. Although I know when I have a plug in my rectum and when I don't, much of the time I don't feel anything physical from it. It doesn't take much to initiate a plugged-butt response, though, like simply changing positions in bed, getting up from a chair, etc. The plug I wear can virtually disappear from any physical manifestation. There is not a single part of this particular plug that causes discomfort. It's made of glass and it takes only a minute or two after inserting it into my rectum for it to become exactly the same temperature as my body, and you know how it feels to be in a shower with the water temperature in tune with your own. You almost can't feel the water. When everything is calm in my digestive system and I'm hours away from having to eliminate waste, nor have gas, I can't feel the plug. While there are virtually no nerve endings inside the rectum, there are three potential points of contact with the plug where I can quickly be reminded that I'm plugged—the anus and sphincter area (which is drenched with nerves), the prostate, and the sigmoid bend (the transition between the rectum and the area above it that holds the feces until it is ready to be evacuated).

So, when I get up in the morning and have had coffee and done my stretching exercises, fed the cats, and otherwise awakened my body, I begin to feel pressure above the plug where the sigmoid colon is ready to expel waste. It's not an uncomfortable feeling, just manifesting in a general sense of pressure. When I do my morning piss, and let the urine flow, there comes a point when I do a kegal clinch to stop the urination process. At that moment, of course, since the plug is lying against the prostate but not massaging it, I get my second physical sensation to the prostate, triggered by the muscle clench and is passed on to the penis. It's what guys feel as they begin to grow an erection. And almost autonomically, my sphincters contract, and flood my anus with feelings.

Throughout the day, I sit on hard surfaces, lean against a counter or table, etc. to get a little thrill-feel in my ass with the plug inside; otherwise, I've sometimes been walking down the street and for a moment wonder if I actually have the plug inserted. I've had to reach back with my hand, like I'm going to pull the underwear out of the crack of my ass and just feel for the plug's ring base.

So that's what it feels like in general broad strokes to live plugged; of course that doesn't describe the absolute feeling of well-being and satisfaction of having the plug in my rectum, as a real part of my body, which without it makes me feel empty and slightly ill at ease. I can sleep without the plug, but it's so very comforting to be plugged at night, kind of like sleeping with a Teddy bear.

And does it ever get boring to live plugged? Once I finally worked out the kinks in staying plugged (digestion, physical issues that include staying clean) the answer is NO. It's boring not to be plugged, and when I have to stay unplugged for whatever reason, I can't wait to get the plug back in. And the act, itself, of inserting the plug is something I savor.

Tunnel plug (near the end of the vid) that gives a great view inside the rectum:

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