Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Waning Ability

I'm still living plugged, but I've lost my ability to come up with anything more, for now for new posts.

Guys, both gay and straight; women both gay and straight—all of you who like to wear a butt plug either occasionally or all the time as I do. I apologize for not keeping up with my posts, but I can't think of anything new. It could also be that I'm awfully busy these days, since I am now getting local clients where I live to help them with their communications—that is their commercial applications, and it's rather intense.

Just know that at any given time of the day or night, while I'm at home behind closed doors, I'm naked and plugged; when I'm out in public, I'm plugged.

This is not me, here, but I kind of like it, because this man looks much older than what I visualize as my readers, much older than me, as well, I think, and it inspires me to see him obviously enjoying himself.

One day I will post again.
Everyone stay safe with the virus that is lurking in our midst.

Love to all my fellow pluggers!



  1. I've loved every post I've ever read from you, and need to re-visit the earlier ones and catch up, so you've left us with a treasure trove!

    I've got a few questions that might make good topics:

    1) Are there ideal sitting positions for remaining plugged all day? I have a rather shallow ass so my Divi glass handle sticks out just a bit too far to make sitting comfortable! The ring presses into my anus too hard when sitting. I've tried sitting forward on the edge of my chair for some relief. This aspect ruins driving while plugged for me any distance more than ten minutes away.

    2) You may have covered this - which foods are the best binders? Rice? Potatoes? Which are the worst! (I have definitely decided that trail mix presents problems!) I have concluded that the best defense is simply to really clean inside well every morning, so I make time for doing that by getting up a half hour earlier.

    3) Any fun games we can use the Divi's ring for? (The Boss Silicone Stopper Butt Plug #4 also has a cool ring embedded in its base!)

    Thanks for all of your work, and I hope you find inspiration again after a break! :-)

  2. (BTW - I'm 67 and can assure you those nerve endings never go away!)
