Sunday, December 6, 2020

Going for a record

Staying Plugged

I believe I have set personal records for myself in these last 8 going on 9 years, which is living plugged with a plug in my rectum 90 percent of the time. And I say 90 percent because I have always willingly and necessarily taken my plug out to pass waste usually every 10 to 12 hours or so.

But lately, I've been trying to approach being constipated for two or more days at a time, and also reducing gas in my system that makes me feel bloated, so that I don't have to even remove the plug for 36 to 48 hours. I don't think I should even try to keep myself constipated longer than 72 hours, but right now this is all speculation. I always try to pay attention to my body, but especially my intestines and the rectum, because it is dangerous to become "impacted" with feces; further, being constipated for too long a time can also cause a change in mood, feeling of listlessness, etc.

I will immediately make adjustments if I begin to feel any gut pains, even discomfort, because why make myself sick or feel uncomfortable? That takes away from the enjoyment of having a plug in my rectum. Some readers have said that the plug I use is uncomfortable to them for sitting but that it's all right for sleeping, and for those readers, I do suggest being kind to your ass and getting shorter plugs. For me, it has never been a goal to stretch my ass beyond a certain point. I do not want to become incontinent, nor have a prolapsed rectum. So I keep my sphincter well toned but never wildly stretched out. I will not do fisting. I'm not judging it for others, but it's not for me. My goal is just to live plugged. I do sometimes fuck myself with a dildo, but not too often.

I'm enjoying "lockdown" because of the Covid issues. It gives me more time to stay naked and plugged and I can always tell someone who wants to visit that I'm not dressed and will see them a little later. My customers come over at scheduled times, and I meet with my working group at public places.

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