Saturday, July 6, 2019

How to Stay Plugged—Well, Forever!

This post is for those of you, men and women, who want to stay plugged...24/7/365...

But who don't want a permanent plug, which can end up being messy and unsanitary and requires a lot more cleanup. The plug to the right is a so-called permanent anal plug, which literally means that you can insert it and leave it and poop through the hollow tunnel and use the rod to cap off the plug when not pooping. I wouldn't spend the time or money on this plug (I've never used it so no I have no experience with it). But your poop would have to be almost liquid to fit through the tunnel and the irritation of the anal opening would be limiting on use.

I'm talking about living plugged 24/7/365 with a bit of reality thrown in (hint: you have to remove the plug to have BMs, clean the plug, lube it, and re-insert). You will have to go anywhere from less than an hour to a couple of hours a day without the plug inside. You simply have to take care of business.

You do know this is tongue-in-cheek, right?
Besides, using a regular butt plug (of a certain design and material) is much simpler than trying to "install" a permanent butt plug.

I went through a months-long period when I moved from the southwest to the deep south when I had to interrupt my butt plugging, by that time I had been close to being plugged 24/7/365 for four years. To get this out of the way quickly, the change of diet, digestion, and work all culminated in a perfect storm where I simply could not enjoy living plugged. You need to know your own body and be willing to make changes in diet and habits before you can realistically live with a plug in your rectum 90 percent of the time. I'm talking about a regular plug, not one of those complicated and high-maintenance "permanent plugs." Here is an article that tends to support my experience, although it's a bit more "timid" in helping readers set goals for long-term plugging: As I said it's accurate and informative.

So, once I adjusted my diet (it's now mainly rice-based, steamed, not fried:add veggies, meat, seasonings) I can virtually take a dump and with just a bit of clean up (shallow enema just for the rectum), I can reinsert the plug in record time. For example I have had my plug in my rectum for over 24 hours without once removing it for relubing, clean up, or a BM. I woke up this morning expecting that in about an hour I would feel pressure of an impending BM, but it never came, so I was inspired to write this post about it, with the centerpiece being diet. As I've said, I also use Imodium to curb loose BMs and simethicone to reduce gas buildup. And as a result, the plug rests in the rectum, and simply fills the rectum and me with joy and peace. A butt plug in the rectum is like a sunny day in Spring, running naked through a field of wild-flowers—okay, okay, it's a little different than that. So, to live plugged every day forever, you have to have a sensible diet. If you don't you'll be fighting to stay plugged; you have to choose a design and material (and size) that is enjoyable and comfortable but neither so big or so small that you defeat the idea of living plugged.

If the plug is too small, you won't even know it's there. If it's too big, you will be filling your entire rectum with plug and leave no room for the rectum to breathe. Gas buildup will become unbearable (hence the simethicone), and your discomfort will ruin the pleasure. I simply would not use silicone. Re-lubing will require a lot more maintenance, and you should really study the shapes of plug that fit the rectum structure. Men have prostates and a plug that is designed to massage the prostate is angled. It is not just a cone. And here's the "aha!" moment, to wear a plug forever, you need to turn the head of the plug away from the prostate, because continually massaging the prostate only sounds good in theory. In practice you will probably want to ejaculate, and once you ejaculate (if you are not seasoned) all you will want to do is remove the plug. So, once you have a good diet and a wonderfully designed plug (the base should also never become irritating), made of the right material (sorry it's either glass or steel) prepare for the moment of the fabulous journey of living plugged, and then slowly insert the well-lubed plug into your rectum; let the sphincter close around the shaft, and then just leave it alone. Leave it alone. Just get dressed and go out for the evening. Sleep in the plug every night. Only remove it for maintenance and BMs and get it back in there as soon as possible. But never never never think you have to "live through" any discomfort. You'll ruin the experience.

Right now, I'm in my sixth year. Along the way, I've had bumps in the road, one long period when I couldn't plug, but right now I'm plugged. My rectum is delighted, and so am I. Happy living plugged. Oh, and NEVER feel anything but love for your lifestyle choice.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Just a good old fashioned anal fuck and an e-stimulation

I just enjoyed watching this video of raw anal fucking pleasure, but especially the pleasure the bottom is getting. He is also in control, as bottoms usually are. The top in this case is just providing a huge, fat horse to ride.

Just a good ole anal fuck!

I have always wanted to try e-stim, and I have seen really neat setups where the wiring is a lot less intrusive than the one around the head of the penis is the video, below. But I enjoyed watching this anyway, along with the fact that he has an e-stim butt plug working on him as well.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019


Freedom to plug and be naked...

Two of my favorite things have suddenly become accessible to me almost 24/7, now that I am living alone and have no regular visitors. I'm still active in my small community, but being retired makes it possible to spend a great deal of alone time at home.

I kind of just fell into staying naked all the time, and during a 24-hour day, if I deduct the time I'm outside or off on errands or dining out, attending meetings, etc. I estimate I am naked 18 hours a day, every day. I'm plugged probably close to 22 hours a day, since I can go out in public plugged.

Of course, Independence Day is more important to me than this, as a Viet Nam veteran, but like all soldiers, I fought for everyone's freedom and that means freedom of expression and lifestyle, and being naked and staying plugged is a part of who I am, what I thrive on, and what I love to do..

I am a military veteran and you simply will not find me supporting any regime in America that seeks to deprive anyone of doing what they love. And as my readers know, I am on a personal mission to get all men, gay and straight, young or old, to get in touch with and be good to the anal half of their sexuality. The prostate is accessible through the rectum for a reason. And whenever I speak of men, I also speak to women...go anal, as well. There's a lot of pleasure and sexual growth that can come from anal play. I embrace it all!

So, this morning, I had difficulty with my normal BM and had to go out into town unplugged and clothed, and the humidity was 86 degrees, and even though the temps were in the high 70s, it felt like the 80s: sorry, no idea what it was in celsius. I didn't like the empty rectum or the sticky clothing covering my body and especially my genitals and anus. During these warmer months, I sleep on top of the covers and only keep my back and shoulders covered, leaving the lower half of my body to luxuriate in the gentle cool breezes from the overhead fan, while I clinch and release my anal muscles and feel the twinge of the sphincter closing around the shaft of the butt plug. Clinch and release.