Living Plugged
This blog is all about living plugged—wearing a butt plug as many hours a day/night as possible, and going out in public wearing a plug, being at home, sleeping at night, wearing a butt plug.
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
A Warm Well Lighted Place
A Nod to Ernest Hemingway (a clean well lighted place)
Monday, November 11, 2024
Time to Reveal a new Kink
Men who taste their own cum….and now piss.
Over the course of time I have been living alone I have discovered that I can enhance my edging experience in ways I never dreamed possible. I still live plugged, stay naked, engage in prostate orgasm that forces the semen back into my body and doesn’t produce and ejaculation. I honestly didn’t realize this was possible, but I continued reading on the subject of prostate ejaculations, and I read with growing interest what men who use the aneros prostate massagers say about their own ejaculate-less orgasms. They are stronger and once you break through the barrier of self doubt and know a little more of what to expect prostate massage and prostate orgasms can be addictive. When I’m reaching the point of no return then pull back (which is called edging) I sometimes go into anal convulsions where the feeling explodes inside my rectum and palpitate that spot behind my ball sack between that and the anal opening. I’m disciplined enough that when I have an orgasm I don’t pull my precious glass plug out of my ass. I leave it in there and continue about my day, quite often taking the time to run my finger around the inside of my foreskin to collect that slick, shiny precum and suck it off my fingers.
Sometimes having edged for quite a while…say four hours, I feel an urgent need to piss, which is where “tasting my own piss" comes into play or at least has in recent weeks. I’d never drunk my own urine as I have been doing now for about a month. My urine is almost universally light in color and crystal clear when I hold a glass of it to the light. Sometimes it’s a bit cloudy, which I suspect comes when I have had fat food (maybe). More on the topic of the constituents of urine later on, but for now let me just say that drinking my own urine is becoming a new kind of erotic kink for my solo sexuality. Today, for example, as I write this, I have drunk every drop of pee that I have output today, glass after glass, except for when I was in my backyard naked and needing to pee, and so I peed into my hand and splashed the piss on my face and neck and let it dry in the cool breeze of the early dark.
My first time drinking my own urine was an eye popping experience, as the urine was exploding with flavors, some salty, some smooth like I don’t know a light beer? Some of the flavor was almost too strong, like the flavor of cardamon (a cloying Indonesian spice that is often used in tea). It is this last flavor that is present in every shot of my piss that made it difficult to keep going with this experiment as far as it has now come. I tried over riding or softening the cardamon taste by mixing in various liquids to my piss. When I finally settled on lime juice, the heavens opened up and made drinking my own urine (with a lime water chaser) an erotic, cock-twitching event. I always say just writing about being plugged gives me an erection and I have to add, now, that just confessing to this new kink and writing about it makes me leak precum under my foreskin.
You can look up the constituents of urine if you want to. You will find that aside from western health articles that say drinking urine is not good for you, millions of people from around the world do it anyway, especially Ayurvedic practitioners. All that aside, I’m going to carry through with this new kink until I see evidence that it is harmful. For now…well I’m working on filling another glass with urine and have my lime-water chaser sitting off to the side.
I am happy to report that I can drink my piss all day and never feel so much as queasy. If that were the case I would give up on it. Just not yet...
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
The Day After
The completely and utterly shocking win by DJT….Geez. All I could think of to do to take my mind off that horror was to get naked, stay naked, masturbate, drink my own piss and watch some good butt plugging videos. Today it’s meant to dull the pain, but I am already getting geared up for a flood of endorphine release as I edge and squeeze my sphincter hard around the borosilicate glass plug, which consists of a glass egg on the business end of the shaft, which is itself melded into a donut ring that stays outside the sphincter but pushes against it with every move I make.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Last Post before election
Relieving Tension…
Those million or so readers who have viewed this blog know that I’ve been keeping track of living with a plug in my rectum, as close to 24/7/365 as I can get, and I will assert that I accomplish this at a 90% plugged rate and have done so for 12 years.
I discovered that wearing a plug all the time, day and night every every hour of every day releases well-being endorphins into my brain and I usually have a heightened sense of well being, like that period during a good love making session with someone you love as a perfect sense of happiness. I get a little crazy with my self-sexual fulfillment during times of stress; but it sure beats taking drugs or alcohol or even smoking weed, which are all false equivalencies to real relief and well-being. Yes, my glass borosilicate plug is firmly home in my rectum as I write this. I am naked, except for a pair of underwear that is rolled up on my thighs and not covering my cock or my ass.
Yep, kinda like this guy in the photo to the left of this text. That’s not me, but we get each other. There are a lot of universal male self-sex activities I’ve discovered over the years that transcend the gay-straight spectrum.
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Living Plugged is Essential
Living Plugged 24/7/365
The overwhelming percentage of the time, from October 2012 to July 2024...almost 12 years...I have had an Icicles #14 in my rectum. I can only estimate a percentage based on how often I have to remove the plug and how long I average getting it back in. You know, sleeping with the plug inserted in my rectum and then taking care of pooping, cleaning up and re-plugging. I also have to take into account the amount of time I have to go without the plug, depending on how cooperative my digestive process is. Generally, I can stay plugged at least 12 to 18 hours before I have to remove it, for defecation and sometimes (as rarely as I can) unplug when I go out in public and I don't want to risk having a crisis removal. You get the picture.But with 11 years and nine months under my belt, here is a quick estimate of the total number of hours in that time I've been living plugged. I'll never reach a hundred percent of the time plugged. It is physically impossible.
• Total number of hours in 11.9 years: 104,244 hours
• Estimated time unplugged for poop & cleanup in 11.9 years: 2,172 hours
• Estimated time unplugged for digestive and other physical restrictions in 11.9 years: 6,188 hours
• Estimated time unplugged for travel and time away from home without the plug available in 11.9 years: 2000 hours
10,360 hours in 11.9 years unplugged is 9.9 or 10% of the time.
I have been plugged for 93,884 hours in 11.9 years.
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Plugged a Hundred Percent of the Time?
Plugging Off the Charts!
I have been plugged almost a hundred percent of the time, except for the five or ten minutes it takes to evacuate and clean up—that's 23.75 hours in every 24-hour period, for a month. This is phenomenal. I attribute it to a subtle change in my diet in the last few months. I rarely eat anything if it doesn't contain at least some rice. I sometimes have plain saltine crackers for a snack (dry and nothing on them).
I can also eat chips and salsa every few days with no problems. My gut stays quiet all day, all night, and my plug stays firmly in my rectum and flooding my brain with endorphins, keeping me calm, happy, content, half horny. It's beyond any other time in my 12 years of living plugged that has been so easy and carefree.I've cut way down on eating out because when I did, it was usually fast food. That should tell you something about the relative unhealthiness of fast food, which is probably also highly processed to begin with.
I also continue to take Loperamide HCL (a generic Imodium product).
Now the salient idea is to have regular bowel movements, with the added proviso that you will be somewhat tending toward constipation, rather than having loose stools. That's just the nature of the beast, for those of you who want to live plugged as I do. Men and women. Old and Young. Living plugged is Nirvana.
Sure, I understand that younger people just have to masturbate to completeness and cum and then quickly remove their plugs. That's fine, but you might as well just use a dildo and give yourself a glorious fuck in the ass.
No, living plugged is exactly what it sounds like. You slam it home and leave it alone. The plug will give you pleasure all day and all night and you don't have to do anything. I use the icicles #14 (2-inch diameter egg on top, 1-inch diameter shaft, 2-inch diameter donut-ring base). It's borscillicate glass so it is strong. It will shatter if you drop it on a tile floor but it will not break in your rectum by any means, and there is not an edge anywhere on this plug, so there is no way that any part of it can irritate you. I plug semi dry and remove it about every 12 to 16 hours for bowel movement and clean up and then insert the plug right back in, most often without any douching.
I am fucking in love with my plug and it being in my ass as comfortably as wearing a ring. When I bought my first plug it was a cone shaped rubber thing and I literally wore it out. I traveled with it in my butt as a drove and I slept with it in my ass, but it didn't take long for it to irritate around the edge of the base, despite it being rubber. And I also bought dildos, and being kind of "romantic" I wanted only those that looked like real-life cocks. But as the years have passed from my first plug until now, I've become much more rational about the physical aspects of what a plug should be made of and its design. Sure, once again, go for the huge, fat, plugs if you want a hot and messy masturbation session, lots of cum and lube and stuff, but go for the intelligently designed plug if you're going to live with it in your rectum.
I do NOT remove my plug to go downtown, eat out, go shopping, visit friends, or even entertain clients at my house. I stay plugged and yes, surreptitiously clinch my butt muscles right in front of people or at the grocery store or walking down the street. No one knows, but it gives me a kind of added thrill to know that, yes, I'm naked beneath my clothes and, yes, I've got a butt plug in my rectum, which leads to the wider question, how many other guys out on the streets, how many women are secretly plugged. I think even straight men are up to around 45% who engage in anal play of some sort.
Plug for pleasure, plug for health, cure your hemorrhoids by wearing a suitable butt plug. It works. I used to have irritated and bleeding 'roids before I started wearing a butt plug regularly. I have not had a single hemorrhoid in 12 years.
Alas, I will no longer have videos on this blog, since much of the porn sites are vulnerable to hacking and destructive malware. But you can visit these three porn sites for your viewing pleasure:
I remain Reynolds, living plugged, as I am right now as I write. I am also naked, if you would like to imagine that. I live naked, as well, but of course don't go out in public without clothes!
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Back to post an occasional entry
For whatever Reason...
I miss posting regularly about living plugged, and of course I miss communicating with my regulars, but I'm afraid it still stands that I don't feel I have much new to add to all these posts I've done for over ten years. But I do miss you guys, knowing that people are reading this about wearing a butt plug 24/7/365—or thereabout, depending on waste elimination, digestive conditions, occasional illness.
This is my first post since March of 2023, and I have to say that I am still wearing my plug, all night, all day, all week, all month, all year, through every season, and through every mood that might strikes me.
I masturbate occasionally, just to check on the condition of the semen, the cum and the smell and taste...yes, I eat my cum when I masturbate. But mainly I am still deeply in love with have a plug in my rectum all the time. Right now, as I write, of course, I am naked; I can feel my cock straining at little inside the foreskin, and I know if I reach down, and pull back the skin, I would be fully erect in a matter of seconds. But honestly, being plugged is not just for the sexual feelings that flood my groin. Being plugged releases endorphins into my brain and makes me feel at peace.
I've also noticed that now that I haven't been posting regularly, the visits per month have gone up exponentially to what they had been just seven months ago, with my last post.
I have no idea what is going on with this blog site. I've passed a million views. Not easy for such a specific and unadvertised site, and one that is not part of the porn universe. I'm content to just have men and women, gay and straight who love to plug share what I write about it. I've also noticed that the great state of Mississippi has intruded on the videos I posted from "porn hub" which accounts for the fact that they are no longer viewable here, while other vids are still viewable through this blog.
Viewers might wonder at the non-sexual nudes I am including with this particular post. Confession, I have become a colorist of b/w photographs, illustrations, drawings, etc, and I experiment with different painting effects, from oil painting to watercolor. Not for nothing do I get a real thrill out of expressing my own "artistic" sense with the colorations I do. In this present decade of my life, I find that my artistic sense, rather than just my writing sense has kicked into high gear, and I can't get enough of the thrill of watching my "painting" of extant art and photography (black and white, charcoal, sepia ink, tonal paper) take shape and come to fruition. As with anything else I have ever done, I learn over time. Always having been at the stick-figure level of producing drawings and illustrations, I find that coloring existing works is satisfying. I go for public domain works and non-royalty (free) drawings that are available. Check out if you want to see what's available from thousands and thousands of fellow art fans and producers.
But back to my glorious and never "old-hat" habit of living plugged in the juicy rectum, where I can play with my plug as it is in my hole. I stay naked about as much as I stay plugged, as well, and I'm already mourning the idea that soon, even here in Mississippi will be too cold to stay naked even in my house, unless I want to pay too much for heating. I don't. So, I'm signing off, without including a butt plug, self-suck, public nudity, or exhibitionist video.
Just let me know if you have seen this post.
I remain Reynolds Donaghue, or "plugged butt".
Monday, March 27, 2023
Still Plugged every day
I've been absent from this blog...but I've been plugged
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This is simply what it looks like to have a plug stuffed into your rectum |
I know that some of you have wondered why I've been remiss in posting blogs on this site, and I apologize that for some reason, I haven't been able to respond in the comments section. Go figure.
I've had computer and keyboard issues, I've had an inordinate amount of work (my side-gig) that buys the groceries, but more importantly, I am not sure what else there is for me to cover. If you (my wonderful readers both gay and straight, both men and women) have gotten anything from this blog about why it's a health and happiness giving habit to live with a butt plug in your rectum 24/7/365 (or some good amount of time), there are simply these reasons that I've said in one way or another now for over ten years:
1. Wearing a butt plug just to have it in your rectum will make you feel happy, due to the fact that the sphincter massage and other nerve stimulation releases endorphins into your brain.
2. Wearing a butt plug much of the time will also keep your sphincter active and will increase blood flow, which CURES AND PREVENTS HEMORRHOIDS. Before I started wearing a butt plug regularly, I had 'roids on my anus and even inside 'roids. I haven't had hemorrhoids for ten years. I live a sedate lifestyle, seated and working on my computer.
3. Wearing a glass or medical grade stainless steel plug is actually the easiest way to stay plugged all the time, and clean-up is a breeze, even if you have accumulation of you know what when you pull it out.
4. Changing your diet to slow digestion if your stool is soft and to stay regular is a key component of having clean firm poops, which means you can re-plug right after having a bowel movement. This is a key secret to living plugged. I also supplement my diet with Imodium, which removes water from the stool.
If you suffer from constipation, you need more fiber in your diet.
5. And then the final subject of my posts about living plugged is the fun, enjoyment, love, good feelings, and constant sexual edging that comes with being plugged and not pulling it out after you feel a desire to masturbate. Leave the plug in when you come!!
May the peace of health and happiness be with you all the days of your life. Be good to yourself and wear a butt plug as much as you can.