Choose a Butt Plug that Fits Your Needs...and Your Rump
We all know that choosing the right tool for the right job is essential, whether you're a mechanic, a carpenter, a film maker, or a computer programmer. But it is just as important that not all butts are the same, and choosing a butt plug that fits one man's ass might not be the right one for another man's ass. Our asses are as different as our cocks. And what we want from a butt plug is not the same, either. I prefer to just stay plugged, morning, noon, and night, so I don't want to go too large or too small. Another man might want to challenge himself and get the biggest plug ever made into his ass, and I understand where this urge comes from—once you discover the almost limitless joy of anal play.
Some men want to use a plug for a single sex session with his lover or a single JO session when the wife or boyfriend is gone for a few hours. In this case, you might consider several toys to add spice and variety as you go for that all important, mind-blowing climax. Some men will stick just about anything in their asses with the goal of stretching the anus, and some even eventually want to "ruin" their hole. I have no comment on just what it might be that you want from a plug or other device, but an NJOY 2.0 is not going to cause anal prolapse, nor is a giant silicone plug going to be good for long-term wear—that is if you're not seeking to be in pain for the duration.
Basically speaking there are three major materials that butt plugs are made of (don't confuse this with dildos): silicone, glass, and metal. But among these materials the sky is the limit on the shape. A good butt plug that won't shoot out of your ass when you sneeze or slip out when you walk or run has a wide flare just as it meets the shaft. The bases of the plugs also vary. Here are a few of the shapes of butt plugs, each having the three main parts: plug (bulb), shaft, and base:
Classic Butt Plug |
Devi Glass Plug |
Inflatable butt plug |
MEO 24/7 Hollow Plug |
NJOY 2.0 Stainless Steel Plug (weighs over a pound) |
Billed as the World's Most Comfortable Butt Plug |
With the exception of the inflatable plug in the selection above, all of these plugs are suitable for going long term, and they are also all suitable (including the inflatable) for masturbation or fuck sessions. But latex and silicone have the disadvantage of requiring frequent lubing, and even though I personally think there's nothing sexier than seeing a large base (like the classic) clinging to the outside of a man's plugged ass, the large base can eventually become irritating. I haven't personally worn the "World's Most Comfortable Plug (the last picture in this list, but I suspect that the rubber shaft and the base would become uncomfortable after a few hours, which then leaves us with the Devi (glass) and the NJOY (stainless steel). Note the base of both of these items. They don't irritate nearly as much as bases that sit perpendicular to the anal opening. Butt...again each man's ass is different. In fact the shape of the plug bulb on all of these is different, and the rectum will certainly also determine the best shape for your ass.
The MEO is not the only hollow plug on the market, but I have a friend who prefers it to all others; but alas, I don't dare attempt to wear a hollow plug!
I will address the
Aneros phenomenon in another blog as soon as I learn more about it. There's an entire website devoted to Aneros users, which you might enjoy. It's basically a anal toy design that users swear will provide hands free orgasms, so I would suggest that these devices are not meant to be worn long term.
This guy makes it look easy!
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