Yep, it's that time of year again...nude, plugged yard work...

For me, the thing about being naked is how completely unrestricted my movements are, and of course when I'm naked, I like to spread my legs wide and let my genitals hang free, like this guy in the photo. Any breeze, any shaft of sunlight on his naked balls and cock, his butt crack is intensified. But as I say, it's that time of year again...not high summer but when the temps wan a little and when we have a few days of no rain. This started a little over a week ago, when I could finally get out into the back yard and begin cutting back on the bushes, the knee-high grass, riding my yard tractor or wielding a root digger. I've often taken this same stance that the guy in the picture is taking, because it is good exercise to bend and reach and move across from one side of my body to another.

And one thing I've spent a great deal of time on this season in my backyard is cutting back the branches on the bushes and trees. Keep in mind, allow yourself to feel what it's like to be naked outdoors, but also if you're like me, how delicious it is to also be plugged. You can work the plug in your rectum by doing sphincter clinches as you stand or walk or bend over or squat, and the entire plug is affected.
After my last post about over-eating and not being able to stay plugged during the day, but also after getting a check up by a cardiologist, I realized I needed to diet and exercise, and what I've chosen to eat slows my metabolism and the amounts I've cut back on have allowed to me to get that plug in during the day many more hours.
It's a regimen a dedicated long-term plugger like me needs to work at, because like anyone else giving in to the pleasures of food is a kind of double-edged sword. Sure it's comforting to get that great pleasure from eating delicious food, but it's also a source of discomfort from getting too full. So it's back to eating to live and not living to eat. This is especially the time of the year that I want to be naked and plugged at get pleasure from working in the yard both naked and plugged, or if I'm working on the front yard, dressed and plugged. I have a couple of good months ahead of me when the weather here in Mississippi will be neither too hot or too cold.
Could you point me to the blog post that I think I remember you doing on what foods were good at slowing the metabolism? Or, if I am misremembering things, let us know what your diet consists of now? I also need to change my diet and get more active - for the same reasons! :-)
Callsia, Here is one of the places where I talk about certain foods to help with the digestive system:
I spent my teen years growing up on a farm and I can’t tell you how much I miss being able to walk around plugged and naked. No better feeling in the world. Completely exposed (although privately) was so freeing. The property was about 50% farm and 50% bush. I used to love walking naked in the trails through the bush with a plug filling my hole. Now I’m back in an urban centre and I miss the country for many reasons but being able to walk around naked and plugged is certainly at the very top of my list. Not even having to take your pants down to piss was the most free feeling ever. Thanks for giving me the chance to reminisce on some good old days. Future goal - buy property! Haha. Great relatable post - Sissy Ty