My Tribute to the Icicles #14 (or the Devi)
The Thrill has Never Diminished
I've been living plugged for eight years and although I sometimes swap out plugs for an occasional masturbatory frenzy—which is very, very rare—the most perfect, most beautiful, most organic plug I wear in my rectum 24/7/365 is this plug, right here:
My usual disclaimer is that 24/7/365 is approximately 90% because of three possible situations where the plug is not possible to wear for a few hours or possibly even a few days:
1. Removal for bowel movement and cleaning. This is the least intrusive of the time-outs, and last no more than 30 minutes.
2. Removal for unexpected digestive issue that causes diarrhea. I might have been too eager to eat a dish that is usually not "safe", like too much ice cream, Mexican food, or other. This is a longer intrusion on wearing my plug that can last for several hours, due to the fact that my bowels have to completely clean out, followed by taking Imodium to combat the diarrhea.
3. The influenza or cold—or heaven forbid Covid-19—or other illness. This might be a once yearly issue or an issue that I have avoided for several years, but which is just not predictable. I mourn the loss of my plugging for several days because of this.
While I have not kept a journal of plugging, as I once did when I getting started, I've been plugged now for about 3,000 days, and if I assume a yearly cold or flu that lasts four days, that would be about 32 days out of 3,000 days, and if I subtract 2 hours a day (at the most) that's 6,000 hours or 250 days, out of eight years, or 72,000 hours (for a total of 282 days/3,000 days). That's just shy of 10% of the time out of 3,000 days that my rectum has devoid of my beautiful glass plug.
I know at least one of my readers has the same glass plug, but he cannot comfortably sit while wearing it and has to substitute a different plug. He has, as he describes it, a shallow butt. I have a deep butt, at least deep enough before the anal opening to accommodate the two-inch diameter donut as show on the end of the plug, above. It's also the plug showing of my ass in the upper right hand corner of this blog.
To be clear, if I were to travel by air, I would not be plugged and would have the plug in my checked luggage (and the inspectors can just find the plug and think what they will if they do). However, when I travel by car, I am plugged, no matter the distance. I can comfortably wear the plug for about 300 miles before I have to remove it and add lube. You would think just sitting there driving would not cause any discomfort, but be aware that the pressure on the base into the anal opening and the spinster does has the effect of stretching the sphincter a little harder than just walking around or sitting for short periods of time. So, when I remove it, my anal opening feels like I've been fucked and it's kind of soft and loose and tingly, and so I massage my anal opening with my fingers, adding a little lube or even medicated lip balm (Mama!). I walk around for a few minutes, and then before I get back in the car, I reassert the plug and head out for another 300 miles.
I have NEVER gotten used to the thrill of being plugged. It's never boring or old hat.
Part II My tribute to my Icicles #14/Devi plug.

I have been wearing this particular plug (pictured here) for eight years, and attribute its comfort to the design and material. It's borsciliate glass, a kind of industrial strength glass used in cooking pots. It is all curves with no sharp edges, and so it is completely comfortable. The shape of the plug itself is exactly that of a hen's egg, and if you could slip the egg by itself into the rectum it would be hugged tight and comfortably there. But another perfect feature of this plug is the shaft upon which the egg sits. It is almost one inch in diameter, which means that when the plug is inserted, the shaft keeps the sphincter open and at the same time the sphincter's natural tendency is to stay closed, and so the effect is a constant pressure in a very comfortable way around the shaft of the plug. In fact, the rectum itself, with the closing motion of the sphincter actually pulls the plug into the body and is only stopped from completely entering by the donut on the other end of the shaft. It is also two inches in diameter just like the egg. Now note the picture of my ass at the top right of the page. Note that all you see is the donut. As you can see it is fitted between the butt cheeks like a coin in a slot and is not perpendicular to the butt cheeks. This design allows the donut to slide into place, as if you were pressing both palms together, and because the donut is so smooth and curved with no sharp edges, it is perfectly comfortable.
But then note that at the base of the shaft, where the donut is attached, with the suction action of the plug being pulled into the anus, the top edge of the donut creates pressure against the anal opening, and it too contributes to the pressure on the sphincter. The plug stays right there. It will not try to slide out of the rectum because the egg is firmly snug on the inside of the rectum, just past the sphincter and the donut is firmly snug on the outside of the rectum, just before going into the sphincter. In fact, if you slide your finger into the anal opening, you can feel that an arc of the donut is actually within the sphincter, and if you have really slick lube, when you sit down, even more of the donut enters the sphincter muscle.
Sitting, standing, walking, running, bending cause continuous twinges of feelings all gathered right there in the anal opening and keeps that entire area live with feeling...well just like you were walking around with a cock in your ass. And because the material is smooth glass, it's like a hard cock in your ass.
As I said, this particular plug is a perfect design for maximum comfort and long term wear and to this day, right now, as I sit with my plug in my rectum, I am getting all the feelings without moving. I'm growing hard as a write this, and for eight years, 90% of the time having the plug in my rectum, I never get tired of the constant feeling.
To those of you who have written comments and especially to those of you who have been likewise living plugged, gay or straight, male or female, I so enjoy knowing that you are getting the same delicious feelings in the anus. For straight men, you can love yourself through your anus and because of the prostate massage. It is fully the other half of your sexuality. And I am sure that if you fuck your wife or girlfriend while being plugged, you get intense pleasure both in your cock and in your rectum. And if you are lucky enough to have a partner who will join you in enjoying your anal side, she might give you the intense pleasure of a strap on dildo and give your ass a real workout.
For those of you who are gay men like me, wearing a plug 24/7 can get no closer to sexual fulfillment with or without a partner. I rarely ever masturbate to completion, and I am in a constant state of partial erection, or when all is calm and I am not aroused, I am at peace. Everything is more pleasurable with a plug in my rectum. I mean...everything...from going out to dinner or a movie with friends, to sitting at home alone. Everything is so much brighter.
I agree 100% - the Icicles #14 is just terrific. I'm wearing mine now and it feels great. I put it in every night before bedtime and sleep with it all night. It's very relaxing and I don't think I could go to sleep without it. Great recommendation.
ReplyDeleteMy other favorite plug, especially for hiking, jogging or other active outdoor activities, is the NJOY 2.0, mainly because of it's weight 1⅓ lbs. It'll move constantly while your walking or running and keep you on the edge all the time. The ball inside is big enough (2") that there is no danger of it coming out accidentally.
Keep up this great blog and make more converts to Living Plugged.
- Steve
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ReplyDeletehi I don't know how I can respond directly to you, so do it just via this post. i m from europe, so sorry for my poor english.
ReplyDeletei got interested in plugging when i saw a video on pornhub. after trying a few, I read on the internet about 24/7 lifestyle. I got more and more caught by this style and i am now training. I have a gildo number 12. is now in 4 hours a day for 8 days. now my problem / question. this butt plug presses quite a bit against my prostate when I sit. the last few days i have noticed that it is getting more and more difficult to get an erection. last night I couldn't get anything done. could the butt plug have hit a nerve on my prostate and I now have an erection problem? I read on the internet that is also possible, the feeling of the butt plug on the prostate and the full feeling in the ass is so intense that this causes such a distraction that you cannot get arousal in the penis. so no erection problem? but a transfer of arousal from penis to ass? is this temporary, when your ass gets used to plug, does penis sensation come back? my wife is very old fashioned in these matters. can't talk to her about this and should definitely never get to know this lifestyle, so if I have an erection problem, how do I explain that? I have already stopped training for 1.5 days to see what happens. But when i m plugged it feels so great and i love it a lot. I dont want to stop this anymore. I want more and more. So i have to problems, my wife, see is very important to me, so how to deal with that and my erection problem
please advice!
Arjanchik, I looked up the gildo number 12 but only found #24. I'm assuming they are similarly shaped. From what I see, that plug is all wrong for long term plugging. If you insert that plug in your rectum looks like the tip of the plug goes straight for the prostate and pushes hard against it when you sit. Take another look at the plug in this post. Notice that the whole plug (head, shaft, and donut) are slightly curved. You can insert the plug "backwards" and only the side of the head will massage the prostate, which is a lot let aggressive when you're sitting down. It could also be that with your prostate pushed in constantly, you're already drained of cum. And when you say you can no longer get an erection are you talking about with the plug in or out? I feel that you should take a long break from plugging and allow your prostate to recover. But if you really like having a plug in your rectum, get a silicone one and make sure it's less than 2 inches in diameter at the widest point. Also make sure it has a narrower shaft. But do consider that the shape of your plug and the size is probably not the best for staying plugged. I sure understand when you say that you want more and more and that when you're plugged it feels so great and that you love it a lot. I have lived with a plug in my ass now for 8+ years and I never want to stop. Please keep responding here on this blog post. I have a gmail account and next time I will give you the address. But I actually check this blog more than I do the email account.
ReplyDeleteHi thank you for answering. Mine is curved. Here is the link. Looks a lot like yours.
ReplyDeleteI looked at yours and yours is insert length 90mm mine is 105mm. As far as i can see that is the only difference. Is mine just a bit to long?
DeleteOk, then it may be that your ass is too shallow to handle sitting on it. The other guy who has been writing in this set of comments also cannot sit on the plug without it feeling uncomfortable. However you do get that you need to turn your plug around so that the head of the plug is AWAY from your prostate. with long term wear, you should have the head of the plug facing your back, and it will do this because it is curved. Back to a previous question, though, about your sudden loss of getting an erection, thought that it could be like you said that the plug is drawing all your attention to your anus. Try sleeping in it, if you can. Your wife need not know that you're plugged, unless and she have sex every night...what do you think?
Deletesorry for my late response, but I had had such a hectic week at work. that may also be the reason for my "problem". i was so stressed the last 2 weeks. I noticed on Wednesday that I was not in the mood for anything. so certainly not in sexual thoughts. i think that was last week also the problem I'm just not in the mood.
Deleteso since last friday i did not wear the butt plug. like you adviced yesterday i put it in before sleep 23:00 and slept all night with it 06:25. I noticed just before falling asleep that I was getting an erection and came almost without touching myself. just by squeezing my anus through the butt plug. whaauww. I have tried to hold it in during work as well, but I can't sit on it, the ring of the sticking out too far between the cheeks of my buttocks. when I sit down the plug presses hard against my prostate. so think my training plug to use my diamond egg again for work. only that diamond is going to really irritate my cheeks after a few hours.
I'm now thinking about this one from amazon
for during office hours.
thank you for your advice.
That one looks like you can sit on it comfortably. Good luck.
DeleteGlad to hear back from you, Arjanchik. Give yourself permission to go without a plug and to not be "in the mood" when you're not. It's not good to force yourself to plug or even masturbate when you're just not with it. Stress can do that to you. I suggest, if you can afford it to buy a NJOY Pure plug. I guarantee you will be able to sit on this:
ReplyDeleteI would suggest the "large" however, since you're used to the glass plug with an almost 2-inch diameter. You might be able to find a cheaper cost elsewhere. Do you live outside the United States or in the US. That link was to the in the U.S. I hope to hear back from you again. Glad to hear that you were able to sleep in the plug. That is perhaps my favorite time to be plugged. I sleep so much better, and if I can't sleep, I can at least enjoy the feelings of being plugged.
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ReplyDeletehi here is a small update from me. just like i said last time i sleep now plugged since last friday night. take it out in the morning as i cannot sit on it. the plug presses too hard / sensitive against the prostate. today when i woke up i sat on the chair and it didn't feel that hard. i felt something, but it was more a wonderful feeling than a painful feeling. possibly by sleeping with it for 3 days now, my body / prostate gets used to it. So I have it in since 22:45 yesterday evening, I woke up with it this, decided to keep it in during breakfast. Sat during breakfast 30 minutes on hit. left it in while driving (car) to work and at work I also sat on it for 1 hour. then took it out anyway. still have to build it up slowly, right? idea is to let it sit for half an hour to an hour longer every day. my aim is to go from 23:00 till 16:30 the next day. so get it out before my wife gets home and in it before bed so my wife doesn't see it, if something spontaneous happens in the evening, she doesn't see anything special there.
ReplyDeleteso it looks good. my ass might still accept this glass plug. so beautiful, looks beautiful and feels wonderful while standing. build up quietly while still sitting.
the only thing I'm still bothering about and might want advice on is stretching the sphincter. I have read your blog but also several forums and they are a bit more reluctant to wear them for a long time. most say no longer than 10-12 hours. I don't want to be in a situation where I will have problems and possibly even have to wear a diaper. I really think this is a very special / nice feeling and as I said before I want to explore this further, but this is still so strong in my mind.
keep in touch
PS I m from The Netherlands. We have here Amazon aswell, but from our own distribution centre. So there is difference in the number of products. But I can order at Amazon USA. Will be I think with big shipping cost.
I can afford the one you said, but for I don’t want to spent so much on it. Maybe If I get in the phase that I can wear it 24/7 just like you and my wife accept. For now It is just a very interesting adventure and see where goes.
I've been wearing my plug almost 24/7/365 for 8 years, and because the shaft that holds the sphincter open is only 1 inch in diameter (2.54 cm) my sphincter has barely changed. It is still tight. I wouldn't use a bigger plug with 5 cm, however, since that might keep your sphincter stretched too much.